Naps May Aid Young Children’s Learning

From NY Times, on September 26, 2013

By Nicholas Bakalar

A preschooler’s nap may be an important tool for learning, a new study of 3- to 5-year-olds suggests.

Researchers tested 40 children in the morning by showing them a picture on a card, then flipping the card over and asking the child to remember its location on a grid.

The children then continued their regular program. At around 2 p.m., half the children were encouraged to nap, while the other half were given activities to keep them awake.

The researchers re-tested the children after nap time, and again the next morning. All the children participated both as nappers and non-nappers.

When children napped, they scored higher on tests of recall afterward than when they stayed awake for the same time period. Nappers also did better on tests the next day. The findings were published online in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“Children not only need to nap, but should be encouraged to nap,” said the senior author, Rebecca M.C. Spencer, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. “Schools are getting pressure to add curriculum and activities, but naps serve an academic function as well. A nap really supports the goals of preschool.”